-What does LESNYC stand for?



Lower East Side, New York City




-What’s an NFT? 

Text Coming Soon..





-Which blockchain is the LESNYC Collection on?



The NFTs are minted on Ethereum and the art is permanently stored on ArDrive






-How many editions for each piece of art?



Depends but anywhere from 1/1 to 20/20






-How will I know when the next drop is coming?



Announcements and other updates will be posted via Twitter.






-Is there a Discord?

Text Coming Soon..






-What’s the utility behind a LESNYC NFT?



Text Coming Soon..



-How do I setup a MetaMask Wallet?









-How do I buy Ethereum?









-How do I transfer Ethereum to my MetaMask Wallet?









-How do I buy a LESNYC NFT?







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